Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometime During 25, I

A quarter of a century ago today!
Sometime during 25, I:

*went to Paris for the 4th time 
*went to New York for the Xth time
*endured a devastating loss
*taught myself how to eat properly
*developed the habit of exercising regularly
*lost 55lbs.
*dated two doctors, a closeted gay lawyer, a miserly, chain-swearing financial analyst, a sketchy PhD candidate, and a couple other miscellaneous weirdoes before I
*met the sweetest guy I know
*paid off over $10,000 in student loans and over $2,300 in my car loan
*made a really good friend 
*had some really meaningful conversations 
*somehow overcame my dog phobia, although I still don’t love them in general
*miraculously developed a stronger immune system, it seems
*learned a lot about myself and about the world

Pretty productive year, I think.  Here's to a healthy, happy, wonderful 26!  Thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs and kisses to a well deserved birthday girl!! Thanks for being a great friend and for including me in your post. YAY! Cheers to being 26!! -T.N